IFBB – Institut für Betriebliche Bildung
Researcher and research associate at IFBB; expert on learning with digital net media, inside and outside companies and organizations.
Since 2001, Dr. Martin Lindner has been working as a researcher and consultant on how companies and organizations can redesign their knowledge and learning processes using the tools of the Web. He publishes and speaks on these topics in German and English, on the web and in person.
His current thematic focus is on digital platforms with continuing education offerings, didactic design, microlearning, and the modularization of learning content and learning experiences.
From 2009 to 2021 he worked as an independent consultant. From 2004 to 2008 he was Principal Researcher at Research Studios Austria (Studio Microlearning & Microinformation Environments). There, as Program Chair and Project Manager, he organized four international “Microlearning” conferences at which leading experts in microlearning, mobile learning and “Learning 2.0” exchanged ideas. Martin Linder also played a leading role in the UX design and marketing of a mobile app (“Knowledge Pulse”) and managed customer projects.
Until 2006, he was a lecturer or visiting professor (media studies, literary studies, cultural semiotics) at the universities of Passau, Kiel, Munich and Innsbruck. In addition to his academic degrees (Dr. phil. habil.), he is a certified “Author of Interactive Web Learning Media CBT/WBT” (Macromedia Academy, 2000/2001).
Since 2022 Dr. Martin Lindner leads the working group “eDidactics” convened by the IFBB.
Publications (selection):
Linder, M. (2018): Die Bildung und Netz. Wie leben und lernen wir mit digitalen Netz-Medien? Wissmuth Press.
Linder, M. (2011): Die Bildung hacken. In: Torsten Meyer u.a. (Hg.), Medien & Bildung. Institutionelle Kontexte und kultureller Wandel. VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften 2011.
Linder, M. (2009): Microlearning. In: Geschichten über die Zukunft des Lernens – Web meets HR. Hg. von U.Reinhard, D.Wind. Scope Press.
Linder, M. (2006): Designing for the Microcosmos. Human-centered Design for ‘Casual’ Information and Learning in Micromedia Environments. In: M3 – Interdisciplinary Aspects on Digital Media & Education. Eds.: M. Pohl, A. Holzinger, R. Motschnig, C. Swertz. Vienna: OCG (Austrian Computer Society), S. 97-120.