Dr. Sammet & Wolf

Agile learning facilitator and consultant

Jürgen Sammet has been involved in corporate learning for more than 20 years as a trainer, consultant and learning facilitator. He has been accompanying the introduction and implementation of blended learning in many customer projects since 2012. The focus of his work is clearly on the effectiveness of learning processes and their scientific foundation. He hopes to be as uninfluenced as possible by fashions and trends.
In 2017, he founded Dr. Sammet & Wolf together with Jacqueline Wolf, where they have since been supporting companies of all sizes and industries as well as internal and independent trainers in establishing digital and blended learning measures. Against this background, they see themselves as “bridge builders” between analog and digital learning on the one hand, and classic and agile learning on the other.
In 2019, Dr. Sammet’s highly acclaimed book “Vom Trainer zum agilen Lernbegleiter” (From Trainer to Agile Learning Facilitator) was published, in which he – together with his business partner Jacqueline Wolf – describes the transformation of the trainer role in digital times.
Dr. Sammet currently teaches at the University of Applied Management and at the Management School of the University of Kassel.
Homepage: www.drsammet-wolf.de
Publications (selection):
Sammet, J./ Wolf, J. (2019): Vom Trainer zum agilen Lernbegleiter. So funktioniert Lehren und Lernen in digitalen Zeiten. Berlin: Springer.
Sammet, J. (2013). In: Hake, T. (Hrsg.): Von der Herausforderung, die Lösung (noch) nicht zu kennen. Entwicklungskonzepte für Organisationen und Menschen in Zeiten rapiden Wandels. Heidelberg: Carl-Auer-Verlag.
Sammet, J. (2004): Kommunikationstheorie und Pädagogik. Studien zur Systematik „kommunikativer Pädagogik“. Würzburg: Königshausen und Neumann.