Teamworks GTQ Gesellschaft für Teamentwicklung und Qualifizierung
Author and Managing Director
Svenja Hofert is the author of more than 30 books, including standard works and bestsellers such as “Teams und Teamentwicklung” (Vahlen). She has been working as a consultant and coach for organisations, teams and individuals in the HR environment for more than 25 years. For seven years she has also been managing partner of Teamworks GTQ GmbH and has developed numerous formats and tools for team learning. Together with Thorsten Visbal, she has been the director of the TeamworksPLUS training for team designers since 2015. She also works as a freelance keynote speaker and publishes the newsletter “Weiterdenken” in German and English. A graduate in business psychology and linguistics, she has been working for many years on changes in the world of work and business from the perspective of human resources and organisational development.
Publikationen (Auswahl):
Hofert, S. (2022): Business slowdown: Co-kreativ führen in postagilen Zeiten. Offenbach: GABAL.
Hofert, S. (2022): The Agile Mindset. Developing Employees, Shaping the Future of Work. Wiesbaden: Springer.
Hofert, S. (2021): Agiler führen. Einfache Maßnahmen für bessere Teamarbeit, mehr Leistung und höhere Kreativität. 3. Aufl. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.
Hofert, S./ Visbal, T. (2021): Teams & Teamentwicklung. Wie Teams funktionieren und wann sie effektiv arbeiten. München. Verlag Franz Vahlen.