Blended Solutions GmbH
Consulting & support of companies in the conception, realization and implementation of learning concepts for targeted value & competence management
Prof. Dr. Werner Sauter has set himself the goal of working with companies of all sizes and other organizations, as well as with inter-company training providers to develop, realize and implement innovative learning concepts with the aim of developing values and competencies. In this context, he co-founded, among others, the ValCom® Institute for Value and Competence Development. In addition, he is active as a technical and scriptwriter, blogger, moderator and speaker.
After studying economics (graduate economist) and earning his doctorate in educational psychology, Werner Sauter taught at various (higher) education institutions in the banking sector and founded the Institute eBusiness & Management at Steinbeis University Berlin in 2004. In 2007, he also founded Blended Solutions GmbH and runs a blog for targeted value and competence management in this context.
From 2018 to 2020, Sauter worked as a scientific advisor and senior consultant at KODE GmbH. Since August 2021, he has been a shareholder, scientific director and senior consultant at the ValCom® Institute.
The most important experience for his work is gained with consulting clients in his diverse practical projects, from Siemens to cooperative banks to Deutsche Bahn and the Bundeswehr, each of which is systematically reflected and evaluated. In close cooperation with Prof. Dr. John Erpenbeck, this has resulted in a series of about 20 books.
Publications (selection):
Erpenbeck, J./ Sauter, W. (2022): Wertetraining: Praxis, Coaching, Übung und Bildung für die gezielte Werteentwicklung von Persönlichkeiten. Stuttgart: Schäffer-Poeschel.
Erpenbeck, J./ Sauter, W. (2021): Future Learning und New Work: Das Praxisbuch für gezieltes Werte- und Kompetenzmanagement. Freiburg/München/Stuttgart: Haufe Group.
Erpenbeck, J./ Sauter, W./ Sauter, R. (2020): Werteerfassung und Wertemanagement: Gezielte Werteentwicklung von Persönlichkeiten, Teams und Organisationen. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.
Erpenbeck, J./ Sauter, W. (2019): Stoppt die Kompetenzkatastrophe! Wege in eine neue Bildungswelt. 2. Aufl. Berlin: Springer.
Sauter, W. (2018): Die Zukunft des Lernens: Selbstorganisierter Kompetenzerwerb durch personalisiertes Lernen. Gütersloh: Bertelsmann Stiftung.