Prof. Dr. Johannes Moskaliuk

ISM Stuttgart

Professor for Psychology and Management & Leadership

Prof. Dr. Johannes Moskaliuk holds a degree in psychology and is a trained business economist. He works as a professor for psychology and management at the International School of Management in Stuttgart.

At ISM, he is responsible for the ISM distance learning program and heads the Stuttgart campus of ISM. He is also an associated researcher at the Leibniz-Institut für Wissensmedien in Tübingen. As managing director of ich.raum GmbH, Moskaliuk is responsible for designing digital development and leadership programs and advises companies and organizations on the implementation of digital processes, especially in the field of education.



Publications (selection):

Lömker, M./ Weber, U./ Moskaliuk, J. (2021): Chatbots im Coaching. Chancen im lösungsfokussierten Coaching. Wiesbaden: Springer.

Moskaliuk, J. (2019): Beratung für gelingende Leadership 4.0. Praxis-Tools und Hintergrundwissen für Führungskräfte. Wiesbaden: Springer.

Moskaliuk, J./ Diller, B./ Kümmel, E. (2019): Austausch von Praxiserfahrungen mit digitaler Lehre als Voraussetzung für Nachhaltigkeit – Die Digital Learning Map.

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