Mario Patuzzi

DGB Bundesvorstand (Federal Executive Board)

Head of the Department for Fundamental Issues in Vocational Education and Continuing Education

Since 2014, Mario Patuzzi has been Head of Division for Fundamental Issues in Vocational Education & Training at the DGB Bundesvorstand. Previously, he studied political science, sociology, and modern and contemporary history, among other things; he is also a non-formally certified social business economist. Since 2004, Mario Patuzzi has worked as a trade union secretary in Augsburg, Swabia and Bavaria, among other places. In 2013, he briefly dedicated himself to the broad topics of Bavarian education, research and technology policy at the DGB Bavaria until he was appointed to the DGB Bundesvorstand in Berlin in 2014.

Since January 2021, Mario Patuzzi has been an advisory board member of the IFBB.



Patuzzi, M. u.a. (2022): Dimensions of validation of prior learning in Europe: Empirical insights form Denmark, Poland, Turkey and Germany. Hrsg. von Anslinger, E./ Husted, B. L. u.a. Bielefeld: wbv media.

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