Münchener Bildungsforum (MBF)
Chairman at the Münchener Bildungsforum
Innovation in Learning – this motto runs through Kai Liebert’s entire professional life.
In the early 90s he outlined an adaptive learning system based on Artificial Intelligence (which then led directly into the AI winter) and implemented (probably the world’s first) comprehensive blended learning solution in an operational business at AEG/Siemens Postal Automation.
After several management roles in the learning, documentation and media creation environment, he moved to the Corporate Headquarters of Siemens AG. From 2009 to 2020, he led the Global Learning Campus, always on the lookout for new ways to make learning in the company more global, digital and customer-oriented for over one million learners per year in more than 80 countries. A key success factor was the introduction of a Learner Experience Platform in 2016 and the design of the necessary Corporate Learning Ecosystem at Siemens.
Likewise, he led the ‘Future Fund’ project for digital transformation at Siemens from April 2020. An innovative bottom-up approach, a budget of 100 million euros in four years and co-creation with many stakeholders in the Group make this project unique.
Since 2018, Kai Liebert has been chairman of the Münchener Bildungsforum (MBF), a community of education experts in the Munich metropolitan region.
He earned his PhD in education from the University of Heidelberg in 1992 and worked as a journalist and musician before joining the industry.
Publications (selection):
Spöttl, G./Windelband, L./ Liebert, K. u.a. (Mitwirkender)(2017): Industrie 4.0. Bielefeld: wbv.