Sabine Prohaska

seminar consult prohaska

Expert for Training and Coaching

Sabine Prohaska is an expert in the field of Learning & Development and has many years of experience in consulting and coaching e-learning projects. With her company seminar consult prohaska, which she founded in 2000, she supports organizations in creating and implementing professional (online) training concepts.

In 2018, Sabine Prohaska was awarded the European Gold Training Award for her blended learning course concept. As a business psychologist, she combines a psychological mindset with her many years of practical experience in management training, coaching and consulting. She understands how to motivate people for change and brings scientifically sound perspectives to the table.

Sabine Prohaska is on the board of the Professional Association for Business Trainers in Austria (VBT), a member of the German Speaker Association and an author of reference books published by Junfermann Verlag.


Publications (selection):

Prohaska, S. (2022): Der frühe Vogel fängt den Wurm – Ansichten und Lösungsideen zur Konfliktarbeit in Organisationen. Großebersdorf: myMorawa. Prohaska, S. (2021): Training und Seminare im digitalen Wandel: Der E-Learning-Kompass für erfolgreiche Schulungskonzepte. Paderborn: Junfermann Verlag. Prohaska, S. (2017): Training in der Praxis: Trainerkompetenz auf den Punkt gebracht. Paderborn: Junfermann Verlag. Prohaska, S. (2016): Lösungsorientiertes Selbstcoaching: Ihrem Ziel näher kommen – Schritt für Schritt. Paderborn: Junfermann Verlag.  

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