Ralf-Guido Scholz

Kaufmännische Krankenkasse (KKH)

Digital Learning Expert

From chef via studies to eLearning expert – this is how Guido Scholz’s professional career can be described in a nutshell. This path has always been characterised by down-to-earth creativity and craftsmanship. For almost 30 years, optimising what is feasible has been his driving force. In his past professional stations, he has produced learning tools, implemented eLearning scenarios and advised companies on this.

Since 2018, Guido Scholz has been responsible for digital learning within KKH. With a lot of passion, he developed a learning ecosystem that is characterised by a high level of acceptance and participation on the part of the learners. Employees and managers are gradually being integrated into the digital learning culture. Freely according to the motto: “From practice for practice.” Instead of just passively consuming knowledge, KKH employees can actively participate and collectively digitalise their knowledge.

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