The biggest L&D community in Europe
Over the past 15 years, Siepmann Media has built a community of approximately 150,000 L&D professionals and project managers into the largest cross-company “Network of Practice” for L&D professionals in Europe. In the publishing activities of the specialist publisher and the digital and hybrid events of the eLearning SUMMIT Tour, the network meets the common challenge of the digital transformation of corporate education with a practice-oriented exchange of experiences.
Inter-company development and testing of new forms of work and learning.
Corporate learning is undergoing rapid change. The digital transformation of the global economy is not only leading to disruptive changes in existing business models and work processes, but is also having a fundamental impact on human resources development in view of increasingly shorter innovation cycles and a steadily decreasing half-life of (specialist) knowledge. Modern forms of learning and working have the potential to change the learning culture in companies and organizations. They are increasingly confronting human resources development with the challenge of validating formally, non-formally and informally acquired knowledge and competencies and thus dovetailing company-based and vocational training more closely.
Enabling reliable forecasts of impact in companies
Due to these framework conditions, corporate learning players are increasingly faced with the strategic task of driving forward suitable further development of the corporate and learning culture, creating suitable digital learning offerings as part of a forward-looking qualification strategy, not losing sight of acceptance and motivation among learners and company stakeholders, and presenting reliable impact forecasts for this process to middle and senior management. Likewise, the need for orientation in the area of digital technologies as well as timely assessments of future trends and technical innovations increases, for example in topics such as artificial intelligence, robotics, adaptive learning systems or learning analytics.
5-shell model: Network of Practice
The Network of Practice is a practice-based community that faces similar tasks and wants to learn from each other. The digital transformation of corporate education is a permanent challenge for colleagues responsible in the company for human resources development, continuing education and other stakeholders for informal and formal corporate learning scenarios. Against this background, the network offers structures for a communicative validation of the stakeholders, a formative transfer as well as the direct exchange of practice-relevant experiences and insights in order to cope with the manifold challenges of corporate education.